Presentations on Academic Publishing
These presentations cover various aspects of the academic publication process. They focus on management scholarship, but most aspects are applicable to academic publication across business schools and throughout the social sciences. I created most of them while serving as Distinguished Visiting Professor at EGADE Business School, so the format is focused on that setting, but can be used much more broadly. In short, enjoy!

the perils of the paywall
I gave this presentation in a huge ballroom in San Diego to a scholarly society largely grounded in business ethics. I was literally shouted down. The experience led me to decline announced forthcoming editorship of the society's journal and to withdraw from that professional society. Many in academia are not yet ready to give up the old, odd game that's been afoot for decades. For more background, go down the rabbit hole & check out (for free!):

SIMIAN strategies
While on the leadership track for the Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM), I shared my ideas on how to make the scholarship of the division more central to AOM and beyond.

making a difference over time
Our careers are long. We have an amazing amount of discretion. We can do things that make a difference. Or not. Many are afraid to use the discretion they have. Don't be afraid. Use your scholarship to make a difference over time.

mattering now
Publishing is hard and uncertain. Yet, even if you succeed, your hard work may go largely unnoticed. Don't let that happen. Here are some ways to increase the chances that any given article will have greater reach and impact.

playing well with others
Much work is co-authored. Some experience great and friendly collaborations. But others suffer nightmares. Let's hope for the former, and plan a bit to make that happen by reviewing this presentation.

the joys of herding cats
Journal special issues and edited books can have a substantial impact on the field, and can help you to be central to that field's development. Take a gander at this presentation and get a sense if special editorship might be right for you.

there's more fish in the sea
Journals, journals everywhere! And not a page to publish? Think again! There are many outlets for your scholarship, and many formats it can take. Meander through this presentation to get a sense of the broad landscape.

fortifying against reviewer 2
Publishing in academic journals is a journey of the sort that could tire even Odysseus. My longest journey took 10 years. And I've heard worse. It helps to know how the process works if you're going to survive and even thrive in publishing. Get a sense of the process here.

beyond boring
Let's face it: journal articles are one of the leading cures for insomnia. If you want yours to keep people conscious long enough to read it all the way through, then you need to make it interesting. Here are some solid tips on how to do so.

i've been framed
Doing work on CSR? Come on, it's what all the cool kids are doing now! Here's some advice on how to pick a theoretical framework when doing so.

theory, in practice
In the review process, nearly every paper gets dinged for not making enough of a theoretical contribution. This presentation has guidance on how to make your theoretical contribution stronger.

reviewing lit reviewing
Sections of papers, and the entirety of some of the most impactful papers, are literature reviews. There's an art to doing a good literature review.

abc -- always be closing
The discussion section brings the whole paper together. It's the final sales pitch. Coffee is for closers, so close it well or go thirsty & uncaffeinated, or something like that. Too many authors run out of steam by the time they get here and don't put the work in to make it a strong closing. Follow these guidelines.

packaging matters
A catchy title draws attention. A clear, sharp abstract convinces reviewers to accept. Give some serious thought to these factors.